New Account Registration

Thank you for your interest in AVIXA. Create your account and choose your subscription preferences below. If you would like to become an AVIXA member, click here.

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* Last Name:
* Job Title:

* Current Position:
Other Current Position:
* Primary Business:
Other Primary Business:
* Solutions of Interest:
* Business Email Address:
* Confirm Business Email:
* Address:

* City:
* Postal Zip Code:
* Country:
* Phone Number:
* Create Password:
* Confirm Password:
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Yes, I agree to AVIXA sharing my personal information (such as my name, email, and professional details) with selected third-party partners for their own marketing purposes. Third-party partners may include affiliates, joint venture partners, and sponsors of both digital and live events, digital content (such as videos, articles, or whitepapers) and webinars. I understand that my data will be shared  in accordance with AVIXA’s  Privacy Policy, and I can withdraw my consent at any time by contacting AVIXA at [email protected].

By registering with AVIXA, I acknowledge AVIXA's privacy policy.