Press Room
AVIXA Stands With Ukraine

While it is our deepest hope that a peaceful resolution will be found prior to June and our annual InfoComm show, we will suspend all Russian exhibitor requests until such a time as there is an opportunity to gather the entire pro AV industry together.
Additionally, as co-owners of Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) we support their withdrawal from ISRussia as well as that of exhibitors for the upcoming ISE show. The full statement below:
The current situation in Ukraine and Russia is heart-breaking, not only do we feel for the people of Ukraine, but also for the ordinary Russian people who are badly affected too. We have friends and colleagues in both countries severely impacted, not least our colleagues at ISRussia and of course our Russian exhibitors.
Like many other organisations, we strongly condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and we pray for a resolution as quickly as possible. To confirm the situation for ISE 2022, the three exhibitors from Russia are withdrawn from the event. We have also withdrawn from our cooperation with our Russian partner in the organisation of ISRussia and as such the show will no longer take place.
ISE, and the proAV industry, is built on collaboration and support – and we remain committed to providing a platform to come together, reconnect and rebuild business after the last two years. The situation is fluid, and our thoughts are with both the Ukrainian and Russian people in these difficult moments