Content Production and Streaming Power Hour: Lighting for Streaming

These days having a high quality, broadcast look to your streams adds credibility. We asked experts about how to evaluate spaces and identify the best lighting to select. David Maldow, Founder & CEO at Let’s Do Video, spoke with Rob Chickering, Owner/Head of Operations at No Puppet Productions; Jim Hutchison, Chief Marketing Officer at Amazing Industries; and Matt Morgan, Business Development Manager, Corporate at Ross Video. They provided some important things to consider:

  • Think about the three different types of lighting – key, back and fill
  • You can’t control ambient light, so you need to consider and work around it
  • Make sure to take into factor the time of day, weather, and time of year
  • Create shadow to give depth and light
  • Use some kind of light meter

Check out the entire conversation to start your live stream today! Content Production and Streaming Power Hour: Lighting for Streaming.