Where to Hear from AVIXA at ISE 2025
ISE 2025 is quickly approaching, and many AVIXA staff members are preparing to connect with AV professionals from across the globe. A few of us are even planning some insightful discussion on major topics in the industry — from the business of AV to topics concerning the modern workplace. If you’re interested in attending one of these AVIXA staff or Xchange Advocate-led sessions, learn more about them in the summaries below.
Industry Insights: Research on and Trends in Smart Workplace
Speaker: Peter Hansen, Economist at AVIXA
Day: Thursday, February 6
Time: 11:10 am - 11:30 am
Location: CC4.1
AVIXA Market Intelligence team’s Peter Hansen will be presenting some key findings from AVIXA’s 2024 IOTA report concerning the current state of smart workplaces. He’ll answer essential questions like how you can ensure a future-proof conference room and what are the essentials when it comes to creating an ideal collaborative space for your workers. This session is set to queue up the Smart Workplaces Summit and will cover key themes like cybersecurity, the growing role of IT in office AV spaces, and the rise of Teams and Zoom Rooms.
Latest Control Room Trends
Speaker: Sean Wargo, VP of Market Intelligence at AVIXA
Day: Thursday, February 6
Time: 2:05 pm - 2:15 pm
Location: CC5.1
Sean Wargo knows a thing or two about trends, and fortunately, he will be sharing his insights on the expected growth in the core control room markets for this year. Sean will discuss which AV spaces are likely to receive the most significant investments from companies and how emerging technologies like AVoIP and Extended Reality (XR) are expected to influence spending in 2025. He will also explain why an increasing number of control rooms are being equipped for broadcast, expanding the definition of a traditional AV control room. Sean’s overview will kick off the ISE Control Rooms Summit, featuring speakers from around the globe. The summit will cover a range of topics, including how to manage both legacy and modern operating systems, as well as real world case studies and workshops.

What is ‘Simple’ When it Comes to Technology Solutions?
Speaker: Leon Prather II, Manager of Product Operations at AVIXA
Day: Thursday, February 6
Time: 3:40 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: CC 4.1
When you manage the day-to-day operations of a team, streamlining a process to work for all those involved should be your main objective — but Leon Prather is here to ask an important question: “What is ‘simple,’ anyway?” In this presentation, he’ll explore the evolving concept of “simplicity” in technology and discuss how requests for simplicity often conceal complex needs, given that “simple” lacks a universal definition. Through case examples, you’ll discover how “simplicity” frequently prioritizes intuitiveness over reduced complexity. Finally, Leon will emphasize that "simplicity" should be linked to individual perception and experience rather than a fixed idea. This session will be part of the Smart Workplaces Summit and it's certainly not one to be missed.
AVIXA Xchange Advocates: Building a thriving ProAV community on AVIXA Xchange
Speakers: Racheal Aye, AV Presales Engineer - Blue Crane Communications; Mohannad Mousa, Head of Projects - MaktabiTech;
Alexis Bou Farhat, ELV Projects Manager - BLINQTECH; Antonio Vaca, Ingeniería de Proyectos - Dextra Electronics
Day: Tuesday, February 4
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Xchange LIVE Booth - 3R150
If you work in AV and you’re looking to build a stronger connection with the larger Pro AV community, stop by the Xchange LIVE Booth to hear from three of our advocates about their experience. We’ll chat about what you can expect after joining the Xchange Advocates program and how you can help shape the future of the Xchange platform. Even if you’re not ready to take on an advocate role, learn how sharing your ideas and starting discussions on AVIXA Xchange can create meaningful connections and inspire your career in AV.
There will also be various meet-ups and mixers at the Xchange LIVE Booth that you won't want to miss. Check out the full ISE Xchange LIVE content program here and see you in Barcelona!