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Successful completion earns 2 RUs. Review your knowledge of the AVIXA 10:2013 Audiovisual Systems Performance Verification Standard with this online, 20-question quiz. You can take this quiz online, without going to a testing center. Reading the Standard and taking the quiz takes approximately two hours to complete. Before taking the quiz you should have an understanding of the Standard. This standard provides a framework for the verification and reporting of the performance of an audiovisual system based on the requirements specified in the system’s project documentation.
The Standard defines:
- 160 potential verification items
- A process for determining which items are germane to the project and a way to incorporate additional items
- A process for defining the evaluation metrics for verification
- A process for verifying the items
- A process for how and when to report those results
Who should take this quiz:
- Designers
- Installers
- AV Managers
- Consultants
- Integrators
- Manufacturers
- Technology support staff
- Owners
- Third-party commissioning agents
- Architects
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