Technology Manager

Technology Managers usually work in-house at a company or organization and manage the AV Tech. They specify which AV tech solutions are needed, manage purchasing and installing the equipment, and ensure AV systems work for everyone who uses them at their company or organization. Technology Managers need to understand how the technology works so they can troubleshoot problems, and manage and maintain the systems.

Technology Managers:

  • Evaluate technology options for best performance and value for their organization.
  • Aggregate internal user needs into summary requests for quotes.
  • Manage budgets and staff to purchase AV products and services.
  • Provide internal training, operation and maintenance of AV products and services.

Technology Managers apply communication skills through regular interaction with internal customers as well as external service providers. For a larger project they may first work with an AV Design Consultant to help identify the best solution and prepare documentation to obtain quotes. Then they would work with Systems Integrators and installers to get the systems up and running. Depending on the organization’s needs, they may also interact with Content Producers/Experience Designers and/or Live Event providers for special events.

Technology managers regularly research and evaluate AV solutions, and stay current on new developments in the industry by going to trade shows and joining trade associations. Technology Managers often work towards CTS (Certified Technology Specialist) certificates. CTS holders are recognized industry-wide as highly-qualified, because they maintain their standard of excellence through continuing education.

