Want to Work with the AV Team? We know that you do.
AV for IT Pros shows you how. AVIXA® (the audiovisual and integrated experience association) understands that to work together with the AV team on networked AV solutions, you need to understand both sides of the technology—not just IT.
Ready to expand your expertise and thrive at the intersection of IT and AV?
To access the nearly five hours of content, simply create a free AVIXA account (if you haven't already) and log in. Learn more and sign up for the course today!
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Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your skills and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving AV industry. If you’re not ready for all that awesome content yet, download the complementary eBook, Guide to Effective AV/IT Collaboration for IT Pros, to get a sample of what’s in the course. Fill out the form to the left and get access. Your eBook will be delivered to your email inbox.
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