AVIXA Foundation

AVIXA and the AVIXA Foundation want to partner with education institutions to develop a larger pool of qualified talent on behalf of our industry. These collaborative relationships build pathways directly into jobs at companies through:
- Curriculum exchange of AVIXA online and classroom courses – introduces students to fundamentals skills needed on the job
- Resources and preparation toward earning a CTS® certification before entering the workforce
- AVIXA membership for students as an entry point into the industry
- Connections to AVIXA member companies at events, career days, and networking opportunities
- Sponsored trips to trade shows like InfoComm and Integrated Systems Europe
AVIXA Partner Benefits:
We offer a full package of benefits for schools and nonprofits seeking partnership and engagement with industry. We see our role as thought leaders, facilitators, and a support network for workforce readiness.
Our commitment includes:
- Complimentary AVIXA student memberships
- Complimentary online AVIXA training
- Scholarship eligibility for enrolled students
- Sponsored attendance for students and/or faculty at regional trade show
- Assist with setting up internships
- Connect to local industry advisors
- Presentations on AV careers by industry ambassador or Foundation staff
- Connect with AV companies for site visits and job shadowing
- Connect with AV companies for equipment donations
- AV career pathways information
- Jobs and industry market data
- Annual Foundation Partner Summit
- Shared online community for teachers and students
It all starts with a few simple steps:
- Start the conversation with institutions in your area.
- Share the career resources with faculty, administrators, and students.
- Discuss available curriculum options with AVIXA.
- Provide career support for students who complete the program.
To get involved or learn more, contact us:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +1.703.273.7200
- Bring them to an industry event
Here are some of our proud education and community partners helping the AV industry grow:
- A.I. Prince Technical High School - Hartford, CT
- City College of San Francisco, CA* (dual program)
- Columbia College - Chicago, IL
- Diablo Valley College - Pleasant Hill, CA
- District of Bogotá - Bogotá, Colombia
- Diverse Media Institute - Minneapolis, MN
- Downey Unified School District - Downey (Los Angeles area), CA
- EnventU
- Full Sail University - Orlando, FL
- Howard Community College - Columbia, MD
- Huntington Beach Union High School District - Huntington Beach, CA
- Laney College - Oakland, CA* (dual program)
- Lebanon Valley College - Annville, PA
- Maverick Technical Institute - Nashua, NH
- Pittsburgh Technical College - Pittsburgh, PA
- Sheffield Audio Institute - Phoenix, MD
- Technische Berufssche College - Switzerland
- The Loop Lab - Cambridge, MA
- University of Valley Forge - Philadelphia, PA
- Valencia College - Orlando, FL
- West Hills College - Coalinga, CA

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AVIXA Foundation
The AVIXA Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization operated for the public good on behalf of AVIXA™, the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, producer of InfoComm trade shows around the world, and the international trade association representing the audiovisual industry.