The following materials are provided to help individuals understand all certification program requirements and to direct them to resources that may be useful in preparing for each certification examination.

Certification is not a guarantee for performance by certified individuals. Certified Technology Specialist™ (CTS®) holders at all levels of certification have demonstrated audiovisual knowledge and/or skills. Certified individuals adhere to the CTS Code of Ethics and Conduct and maintain their status through continued education. Certification demonstrates commitment to professional growth in the audiovisual industry and is strongly supported by AVIXA®.

All eligibility, application, score reports, special accommodation requests and general inquiries regarding AVIXA certification will be handled through the AVIXA Certification Office, with headquarters located in Fairfax, Va., U.S.A. Purchases of education, membership, or any other AVIXA services are not required to seek certification.

Attn. Certification Office
11242 Waples Mill Rd., Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030

Phone: 1.800.659.7469 or +1.703.273.7200
Fax: +1.703.991.8259

[email protected]

Upcoming Events
Broadcast AV Power Hour: Automatic Speech Recognition and Captioning

Understand the ASR-captioning ecosystem and how to harness its potential in the competitive and regulated digital landscape.

AVIXA Women's Council - International Women's Day Events in APAC

Networking Technology for AV Professionals Virtual Classroom - March 2025