


From defining processes and requirements, to promoting reliable performance of AV systems, AVIXA standards can increase your competitive advantage.

AVIXA Standards Mapped To Project Process

AV Guidelines and Best Practices

This collection can help you understand guidelines in a standard.

Audiovisual Systems Performance Verification Guide

This guide provides information about each reference verification item in the Audiovisual Systems Performance Verification standard.

AV Implementation Handbook

This handbook supplements ANSI/INFOCOMM 2M-2010 and contains unique insights from industry experts that can orient AV professionals to the issues that influence AV design.

AV/IT Infrastructure Guidelines for Higher Education

This document addresses the architectural considerations that go into designing and implementing AV/IT technologies in higher education learning spaces.

AV/IT Infrastructure Guidelines for Courts

This document is an exclusive resource from AVIXA and AIA that can be used by architects and engineers to plan and design AV/IT infrastructure in courthouses.

Templates and Tools

This collection can help you complete your audiovisual installations in accordance with recommended practices.

DISCAS Calculator

Display Image Size for 2D Content in Audiovisual Systems (DISCAS) is scalable and adaptable. And now, you can leave the math to the calculator. Fill out the short form to get access.

Audiovisual Systems Project Documentation Sample

This is an example of the documentation required for AV systems showing how the AV documents relate to documentation from allied professions.

AV Standards Clearinghouse

This is an extensive, sortable list of standards that are applicable or specific to audiovisual technologies.

BIM and Revit Resources

This collection will help you with architecture-related audiovisual installations.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

This document is a summary of industry reports, studies, surveys, and editorials as viewed with an eye toward the audiovisual industry.

BIM Parameter List

This document is to be used on a guide for parameters that should be built into BIM elements for audiovisual-related devices.

BIM Parameter List User Guide

This guide walks you through and goes into more detail on the BIM Parameter List.

Revit Parameter List

This document is to be used as a guide for parameters that should be built into Revit families for audiovisual-related devices.

Revit Parameter List User Guide

This guide walks you through and goes into more detail on the Revit Parameter List.

Shared Parameters File for Autodesk Revit

This shared parameter file follows the contents of the InfoComm Revit Parameter List spreadsheet and is provided to help with the creation of Revit families.

How are you using AV standards? Share your story with the AV community.


A Behind-the Scenes Look at AVIXA’s New Rack Design Standard

AVIXA’s Rack Design for Audiovisual Systems standard completes the pair of standards aimed at formalizing guidelines for efficient design and integration of racks in AV systems. In this story, to co-moderators of the task group for this standard offer some insight into the new standard and how it was developed.


Volunteer Spotlight

Hear from Kenneth Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Mojoworx Asia Limited Hong Kong, a task group member on the new Rack Design standard. He shares his rewarding experience of working on standards development — including the friendships.