CTS Prep can help ease your nerves and boost your confidence before you take the Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) exam. Through this course, you will zero in on the specific areas where you need to focus your study time.


Course Features

During this course you will:

  • Review exam content areas including creating, operating, and servicing AV solutions, and conducting management activities.
  • Explore the CTS exam format.
  • Learn test-taking strategies and what to expect on the day of the exam.
  • Study with the help of facilitators.

It is recommended to complete Essentials of AV Technology and pass the AVIXA-Recognized AV Technologist Test before taking CTS Prep. Students needing extra preparation in AV math are recommended to take AV Math Online.

Total hours

This course will be delivered live with six four-hour sessions; the actual time slots will vary depending on the client’s needs.

Please contact your regional AVIXA representative 


Who should take this Course?

Students who are preparing for AVIXA’s Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) credential.
Current CTS holders who want to refresh their knowledge.

Upcoming Events
CTS Prep, Fairfax - September 2024

CTS Prep is a valuable course designed to help individuals enhance their confidence and readiness for the InfoComm's CTS exam.

Lessons from the Trenches: Large-scale Digital Signage Deployments

Learn about real-world proven insights, strategies, and best practices for successful large-scale digital signage projects.

Broadcast AV Power Hour: Wireless Frequencies for Production

This webinar focuses on specific frequency ranges for unlicensed wireless transmission, covering audio, video, intercom, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi.